Sunday, October 4, 2009

Buster Keaton's Birthday

Today would have been Buster Keaton's 114th birthday if he had taken better care of himself. I recommend you celebrate by going to your local library, checking out an armful of Keaton movies and watching them with someone you love. I particularly recommend Our Hospitality, The Navigator, Sherlock Jr., The General, Steamboat Bill Jr. and The Cameraman.

Note: This is as close to a blog post as you're going to get this weekend. I've been under the weather ever since Wednesday night when Katie-Bar-The-Door, Mister Muleboy and I went to the last Nationals home game of the season. Justin Maxwell did hit a walk-off grand slam to win it, but related or not, I've been sick ever since. Instead of my usual crystal-clear thought processes and cheerful bonhomie, I've been fuzzy headed and cranky.

So no blog entries for you today.