Thursday, June 3, 2010

Comments, Comedy and Clara Bow

Going back to comment moderation for a while which may mean a brief delay before your comments show up, but at least we can keep this "Mythical Monkey" guy out of here.

Oh, wait, that's me.

The essay about the best comedy director of 1932-33 promises to be one of those five thousand word jobs so I'm going to start publishing it in pieces, the same way I did when I wrote about City Lights. I'm not telling you who I'm choosing (perhaps you can guess), but I think he's worth taking a bit of time talking about.

In the meantime, it's 1933 here in Monkeyland and Clara Bow is about to flee Hollywood permanently, moving with her husband Rex Bell to a ranch in Nevada where she spent most of the rest of her life. So how about we take time out for a few last photos before she drives off into the sunset.