Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hiatus? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Hiatus!

Well, Katie-Bar-The-Door's trip to New York has been abruptly re- arranged to this Spring, so no hiatus for the Monkey. No Thin Man walking tour either. But plenty of time now for blogging, and after the outpouring of grief at my absence, I better get to it.

Uh, there was an outpouring of grief, right?

Anyway, I figure short reviews of a couple of 1932 films, Yasujiro Ozu's I Was Born, But ... and the Oscar-winning short The Music Box, starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. And then the essay on the best director of 1931-32. Howard Hawks has a 2-to-1 lead over Edmund Goulding with the poll ending tomorrow, so he's looking like the probable winner, but you never know, there might be a late surge for one of the other candidates.

If you haven't voted, I strongly encourage you to. Even if you have no opinion and have to make it up as you go along. And why not? It's an Oscar tradition!