Some of the Monkey's movie reviews have started to show up on the Internet Movie Database, linked to the specific movie under "External Reviews."
I'd like to tell you imdb.com sought them out because they're so brilliant. Not so. Anybody with an account there can submit a link to any review on the internet. Being a complete narcissist looking to expand the reach of the Katie Awards, I submitted some of my own for consideration. So far, I think, there are links to eighteen of them.
It's easy to submit your own. Find the movie in question, scroll down to the bottom of the page, click on the yellow box marked "Updates," scroll down to "External Reviews," change the section marked "No change" to "Add 1 item," click continue, submit the URL of the review and the name of your blog, click continue and if the info is correct, click submit. Imdb should take action one way or the other within a week.
So Zoe, KC, Avalon and everyone else here who writes their own reviews, get cracking and get famous.