As the man said, "Don't think, you'll only hurt the ballclub."
Her questions and my answers:
1-Who was your mentor growing up? What about now?
I can't say I've ever had an Obi-Wan-Kenobi style mentor, but I've learned an awful lot from people with names like Katie-Bar-The-Door, Mister Muleboy, Bellotoot, Susan, my brothers Tom and Steve, but first and foremost Robert Osborne.

2-If you had a shopping spree at one store, which store would it be?
My very favorite store, Amazon.com.
3-If you could own any pet, what would you have, and what would you name it?
Why, this little doggie right here ...

4-If you could start any business, what would you start?
Monkey Business, of course.
5-Dream vacation spot?
Anywhere Katie-Bar-The-Door is.
6-If you started a charity, what would it be for?
I'd like to give essays about movies to all the little children of the world. Or food. Food would also be good.
7-What's on your Christmas list this year?
After eight straight Christmases on the road, spending Christmas at home. Everything else is icing on the sugar cookies.
8-What are/would you be for Halloween?

And my eight questions:
1) You're walking down the street when a talking penguin asks you for a movie recommendation. Assuming you're wearing your favorite shoes, which pair are you wearing?
2) If you had to live one day from your life over and over again, which musical instrument would you learn how to play?

3) This one courtesy of Eddie Izzard: Cake or death? [see it below]
4) Which is your favorite railroad in a game of Monopoly?
5) Tapas in Barcelona or moules et frites in Paris?

6) If you were nougat, would you want to be covered in milk-, dark- or white-chocolate?
7) If you could be any character from a movie, who would be your co-star?

8) You're coming to bat in a major league game for the first time—what's your theme song?
I don't think I'm allowed to tag hanner back again, so I'm picking the last eight bloggers not named hanner_da_nanner who left comments on my blog. That'll teach you.
Mister Muleboy of The Mouth O' The Mule
Who of Who Am Us Anyway
Thingy of Pondering Life
Erik Beck of News From The Boston Becks
Yvette of in so many words ...
VP81955 of Carole & Co.
Ginger Ingenue of Asleep In New York
Beveridge D. Spencer of Cool Beveridge
But I encourage everyone to respond in the comments section below. We here at the Monkey want to know what you think!
P.S. Eddie Izzard's "Cake or Death" bit: