He was referring specifically to a reporter for the New York Times but he could have been talking about me. I'm 171 movies and 4000 words into this essay about the film years 1906-1914, but I'm not any closer to being done than I was a week ago. I think what I'm going to do is throw in the towel and publish my notes bullet-fashion, the way I did for an unfinished essay about innovations in the use of sound back in 2009.

In the meantime, does anyone else remember the Saturday morning kids show Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp? It was a live action show about a chimpanzee spy named Lancelot Link. He worked for the Agency to Prevent Evil ("APE"), had a girlfriend named Mata Hairy, and battled a parade of villains including Dr. Strangemind, Baron von Butcher, and other henchmen of CHUMP.
Here's a clip of their band, The Evolution Revolution:
Bonus Trivia: Lancelot Link was played by the same chimp who played the Bloop on television's Lost In Space.